Frequently Asked Questions

What Is a natural health consultant?

A natural health consultant educates clients on natural therapies and lifestyle chages such as nutrition, sunlight, fresh air, breathing exercises, adequate sleep, and nutritional supplementation. They can also formulate diets and meal plans and recommended homeopathy and other supplements such as herbs. They can only practice methods and therapies that are 100% natural.

They are not medical doctors or practitioners nor do they identify as such, nor are they nurse practitioners or chiropractors and do not treat diseases, perform surgery, or prescribe drugs.

Can a natural health consultant order bloodwork?

No, a natural health consultant cannot order lab work. However, they can inform you of how to order your own independent bloodwork without the use of a doctor. And you can always request bloodwork through your primary care physician.

Do you accept kids that aren’t vaccinated or up to date on vaccines?

Of course! In fact homeopathic nosodes for increasing immunity to certain virus can be purchased in clinic.

How does the consultation process work?

Once you are scheduled, you are required to send a deposit to reserve your appointment, fill out an intake and sign the necessary forms. When you arrive we take your “healthy” vitals to document your baseline, there is a short interviewing process and then we work out a wellness plan and go over it with you.

Do you have breed restrictions or deny dogs for any reason?

Here at Holistic Healing & Health we do not discriminate against any breed. We do our best to accommodate all dogs, even if they are fearful, aggressive or ill. No vaccines required to be seen. We do not require that your pet be spayed or neutered.

Do you work with the whole family?

Although we specialize in pediatric wellness, women’s wellness and mental health coaching, and canine nutrition and health, we do primary wellness for men and work with all animals including cats, and farm animals.