Kidney Disease & Constipation in Cats: The Connection

The reason for the association between constipation and CKD is likely multifactorial and potentially stems from changes in hydration status, electrolyte disturbances (specifically hypokalemia), gastrointestinal and physiologic alterations that occur with this disease.

Constipation can occur for many reasons, the main one being not enough moisture in your cats diet.

Your cat’s digestive tract was designed to process whole animals that are up to 75% water – it is important that when feed a PMR (prey model raw) diet that we do our best to replicate this by adding high moisture additions. High moisture additions include blood, goat milk, bone broth, full fat organic cottage cheese and full fat organic bone broth.

Additionally, whole food sources of fiber maybe helpful. These include pumpkin, flaxseeds, shredded carrots, spinach, and green beans.